feel good right now!

Don't You deserve it?

What If You Could Go From Feeling Fed Up and Frustrated to Feeling Fabulous and On Fire?

Mastering Control Of Your Emotions and Responses

Stop the emotional rollercoaster for good. It’s time to take back the ability to respond instead of react in the face of any situation. Respond and make decisions from a place of complete peace and calm. 

Unlock Greater Financial Wealth and Abundance

Uncover the blocks that people have when it comes to understanding money. We also explain what prevents it from showing up in their lives.

Win Over The Self Sabotaging Patterns in Your Life

By learning how to quickly identify self sabotaging thought patterns. Break the chain of anxiety and worry by getting into the flow of being in the present moment.

What Direction will Your Life Take?

Book a Call with Me Now and Let’s Unlock Your Future Desires

I'm Nurse Maggie Mack

I am a Registered Nurse of 17 years.

I nose-dived down the rabbit hole of the personal development world because of my own challenging times and negative life experiences and through my personal development work I have shifted my own limiting beliefs that kept me stuck in unhealthy habits and relationships.

I desperately wanted the best for myself and my family. I tried so many approaches and programs.

 Everything changed when I decided to take best-selling author and personal development master Peter Sage’s Flagship course, Elite Mentorship Forum (EMF).

I had so much success from the EMF course that I wanted other people to know about this life changing course so I decided I wanted to teach it myself.

I am fondly thought of by my family and friends as a light in the dark who will hold your hand while walking you over the bridge of success.

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I remember when I first went down the personal development route, I decided
I was going to start by taking a look at all of my thought processes, the good, the bad and the ugly. Self examination if you wish. Looking at the things you think and say to yourself, when you are by yourself. 
Yesterday I saw something that took me down memory lane and it reminded me of how I used to be before I discovered EMF.
For many many years I hated on myself and hated what I saw in the mirror. It was a life of constant pressure to look a certain way. I did not enjoy my life because I was too interested if other people thought I was ugly or not. I always had my makeup on and hair washed and styled to perfection. Outwardly I looked great but inside I still felt ugly.
I remember that moment as a young person when a young boy said I was ugly.
The boy was rude and ignorant but I didn’t know that at the time.
I just felt the impact of being called ugly. Sometimes we don’t even know where these thoughts come from or how they were created.
After many years of living like this I made the decision to think better thoughts of myself, I found the help I needed and I developed a strategy that really helped me.
I soon found out there is a big  difference between feeling ugly and looking ugly.
Every morning now, I do a small meditation where I open my heart space and I sit in the quiet and the stillness of the morning. I feel the love I have in my heart for myself.
I have begun to feel beautiful from the inside out. When I look in the mirror it doesn’t matter so much what I look like.
It’s more important to feel good right now!

"No matter where you are in life – your history does not write your destiny.
The only thing that does are the decisions you make today!"

- Peter Sage- Developer


I invite you to take my hand and join me on a journey to become an  incredible and authentic testimony to the power of possibility. 

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Join our Facebook group with other like-minded friends who will keep you inspired and accountable to keep your focus. Remember you become like the 5 closest people you hang around with. 



The EMF Lite Experience is a 7 hour program strategically designed for the biggest impact on your life while giving you a good overview of the transformational power of the FULL EMF program. 



EMF is a world class transformative personal growth program taken over the course of 6 months. It is designed to break through every single self limiting belief that holds you back from achieving everything you want to achieve and becoming everything you  wish to be. 

Join OUR
Feel Good Right Now
Peer Facebook Group

How Important Is Having The Right Peer Group?

The right peer group is so important to your success in life. Why?

The right peer group will keep you focused on where you are going as an individual and/or as part of a group.

That is why I have created this group so you are part of a supportive peer group, who will support you in reaching your highest potential, whatever that may mean for you.
I am so grateful and thankful that I have the right peer group because I didn’t understand for a long time how important this was.
Peer groups happen naturally, we don’t choose them.
An empowering peer group is a proactive action!
How do you know that your peer group is working for you?
You will know if you are in the right peer group if you are getting inspiration from the group, your focused in the right direction towards your goals, your taking steps towards achieving your goals, there is enjoyment and mostly positive support there most of the time. There will be times when negative subjects are addressed to get the peer group or individual to refocus or get back on track, but this is very different from a peer group that is non supportive.
How do you know that your peer group is not working for you?
You will know if you are not in a supportive peer group if you are not being positively influenced to move forward with the things you want in your life, you can’t get a focused on what you want, you are not taking steps towards what you want. Nothing is changing.
When you tell your peer group you are making changes does your peer group support you?
There’s an old adage that says when a person in a peer group tries to change in any way, the group will reinforce the rules of the group and pull the person back in, as the consciousness of the group dictates that what is current is what is safe. (when I say group, I mean a group of people, not connected to any company or organisation). It is not necessarily a bad thing but in some situations can stop a person from expanding or evolving themselves.
Whenever you are looking to make changes make sure you are in a peer group that will support you. 

New to Life Mastery?

learn more about the emf lite EXPERIENCE

Join me on a discovery journey to successfully uncover the hidden beliefs, patterns & emotional blocks (positive and negative) that have led you to where you are today. Clear up any limiting thinking and replace it with empowering new habits.

The EMF Lite Experience is a live compilation of the best insights, learnings and exercises that took place at a recent “Two Days Elite Mentorship with Peter Sage”.

The program has been strategically designed for the biggest impact on your life for the small price paid while giving a good overview of the transformational power of the full EMF program.

Here’s what’s included: 

1.Wealth and Abundance:

In this module, we will look at what abundance means, and the blocks that people have when it comes to understanding money. We also explain what prevents it from showing up in their lives.

2.Mastering Emotions:

This is the one skill Peter recommends you should have if you want to create lasting results for yourself. How do you master your emotions instead of them mastering you?

3.Seven Card Exercise
4.BONUS: I AM Workshop
5. Q&A
In this session, Peter answers questions from the audience.
6.Launch Call
7.One-on-One Result Call

As your personal trainer & coach, I will host calls with you as you go through your journey. Guiding supporting and encouraging along the way.

Are you ready to take the next step towards your future?

The elite mentorship forum might just be what
you have been looking for

Peter Sage is a leading world authority on effective personal transformation and one of the most sought-after mentors and personal one-to-one coaches in the world today.

He is one of the few qualified Trainers for Robbins Research International (as recognized by the Robbins-Madanes Institute) and worked alongside Tony Robbins at his events for over 15 years.

Peter has an innate ability to understand people at a profoundly deep level. His work identifies and helps shift both overt and unconscious patterns of limiting behaviour to create lasting change.

Committed to sharing his accrued 30 years of knowledge (having studied with top mentors such as Dan Pena, Dr Joe Dispenza, NASA Physicist Tom Campbell) Peter has created the EMF – described as probably the most modern, exciting, affordable, authentic, effective, refreshing, and valuable personal transformation program ever created.

EMF is a comprehensive six month program designed for you to break through any personal limitations holding you back. Take this journey with an amazing like-minded peer group that will inspire true growth and success.

Over 27 weeks, you will learn the most powerful life-changing knowledge to create lasting transformation. You will unlock your fullest potential and live at a higher, deeply fulfilling level.

Here’s what’s included with EMF: 



Successfully uncover the hidden beliefs, patterns & emotional blocks (positive & negative) that have led you to where you are. Clear up limiting thinking & replace it with empowering new habits.


Understand the key difference between people who succeed and those that fail in any area of life. You will shift your relationship to money, wealth & abundance – as part of your new compelling personal mission.


Intentionally design, create and install your brand-new upgraded psychology. You will complete your transformation and experience a higher existence – greater success, joy, fulfillment, and freedom from harmful thinking.

If you are ready to take the next steps with EMF, schedule a call today and let's get you started.

Still Unsure?

Don't Believe Just Me, here's what others say about EMF!

Being part of EMF has been the best investment of my time, energy, and money. It is a very profound reset from who I have been and into who I want to become. I loved the sense of community and coherence created with my peer group, the quality of the information, the depth of the exercises, and the practicality of the tools. This EMF program should be part of a new curriculum in schools around the world. I am forever grateful for this experience, and I know this is only the beginning of the journey.
EMF has changed my life in a profound and uplifting way. This approach to teaching is a gift.I have experienced so much growth within myself in the past few months... EMF hasn't only given me the tools to understand who I am, it gave me a peer group, a community and lifelong friendships with friends from around the world. Because this content is available to me for the rest of my life, I know that I will continue to grow and contribute and help to make the world a better place. Thank you so much ....
I joined EMF mainly to elevate my finances but also to level up my emotional, spiritual, and mental capacities; EMF definitely played a vital role in my achieving this and more. Application of the EMF teachings has enabled me to grow my business revenue from zero to multiple 7-figures per year and my emotional wellbeing, relationships and mindset have improved at the same rate. I thoroughly recommend EMF to anyone looking for the same growth.
RYAN PHILLIPS (UK) co-founder Videosuite Ltd

Maggie Mack

EMF Facilitator and Coach





Copyrights reserved.  Website by Téa Staegemann T: 07795816816 M: tstaegemann@me.com